about the company

About us

Careline Care Monitoring was established through a strategic partnership with Chubb API and Skyresponse AB to deliver top-tier health and social care monitoring services. Based in Maidstone, Kent, our monitoring centre adheres to TSA standards, ensuring the highest quality of service.

With over 60 years of combined experience in the sector, our team is dedicated to providing AI-led monitoring solutions, specialising in falls prevention and monitoring. Our advanced technology and expert team ensure that our clients receive the best possible care and attention, enhancing their safety and well-being.
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3800 satisfied & happy customers.

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our team members

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Vinters Business Park, New Cut Road Maidstone, Kent ME 14 5NZ

Mon – Sat: 8:00am to 6:00pm
Sun: Closed


Internationally recognised and trusted by response centres and solution providers, our services cater to industries such as care, smart buildings, and safety.
0330 124 3225


Vinters Business Park, New Cut Road Maidstone, Kent ME 14 5NZ

Mon – Sat: 8:00am to 6:00pm
Sun: Closed


Great insurance your solutions for life and business

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